Cupping Therapy: The popular massage add on explained
By Krista Jones, LMT Cupping Therapy has seen a massive increase in the massage industry in the past decade and most massage therapists offer it as a service addition. Clients that have received this service add-on explain the benefits as feeling
Introducing New Spa Services
By: Courtney Kath & Krista Jones KLorraine is excited to introduce new services to our Spa Service Menu. Courtney & Krista, our licensed massage therapists, are always being educated on new techniques and have put together new service offerings that feature
Abdominal Massage
By Krista Jones, LMT Has your massage therapist ever made the suggestion to incorporate the abdomen in your session to help with certain muscular dysfunctions going? Why would one even get their stomach massaged? There are a host of reasons and
“Sorry, I Forgot To Shave My Legs!”
By Krista Jones, LMT The session is flowing nicely. The client is melting into their relaxation space. Their breathing is more steady and relaxed. “Did I hear a little snore? Yay! They're relaxed!”. I drape the back as I move to
Is it Deep Tissue or Deep Pressure?
By Krista Jones, LMT Many times when I'm inquiring at the beginning of a session with a client about their pressure preference they will tell me they want deep tissue, ‘’I like Deep Tissue. Really dig in there!’’. Many times what