Take Care of “You”
By Denise Mauer
Taking care of you can sometimes be forgotten. As the days become shorter in Fall, we need to remember to take care of ourselves along with everyone else. At Klorraine we care about you and your self-care. Take care of yourself first: seems easy, but life gets busy! Before you know it, time goes by and you forget to take care of yourself! Here are a few reminders heading into Fall and the busy Holiday Season:

Schedule your new fall color or haircut now, don’t wait! You will be grateful for your updated look when the business of the holiday season approaches.
As the weather starts to get cooler, cozy into one of our massage tables. Make a massage appointment soon!
Remember to exercise: join our Yoga studio. Bring your neighbor or invite a friend. Staying active heading into winter is key to taking care of you.
Hydrate your body and your hair. We all know to drink plenty of water, but did you know that your hair needs to be hydrated as well?! Schedule a scalp treatment or Keratin treatment, you won’t regret it!
Moisturizing your skin is very important as the air gets colder. Come in and talk to one of our estheticians or stylists about our wonderful Glo-Minerals make-up and skincare. Even if you do not wear makeup, protecting your skin from Wisconsin wind and snow is vital in slowing the aging process. Glo products contain a vitamin complex infused with vitamins A, C, and E to provide anti-aging. Green Tea Extract also helps to calm sensitive skin from redness and inflammation.
Don’t Forget Your Feet! Even though we trade our flipflops for boots, that doesn’t mean our feet stop working. Make sure you schedule a Klorraine pedicure.
As our schedules get busy this fall, don’t forget to schedule some time for “YOU”.
Call KLorraine today @ 920.550.2533